Born on January 20, 1962 in Baku. Graduated from the history faculty of Baku State University in 1986 and from the law faculty of the same University in 1993.
Started his professional activity from young age. Since 1982 he served in different positions in Azerbaijan’s Ministry of Justice. Since 2004, has been elected as a member of the Milli Majlis (National Parliament) from Khanlar-Dashkesen Constituency №101 and been a deputy chairperson of the Committee for Legal Policy and State Building for a long time.
As a member of the Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan took an active part during the lawmaking process. Was a member of the working groups on drafting laws such as “On Provision of Rights and Freedoms of Detainees in Detention Facilities”, “On Prevention of Domestic Violence”, and an initiator of the law “On Juvenile Justice”, and the law “About the Occupied Territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”, and others.
During his service at the National Assembly of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in capacity as a member of the Azerbaijani delegation at the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly contributed to the development of Procedural Rules of this international body.
As a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, worked in the Committees on Migration, Refugees and Population and on Social Affairs.While being the head of the working group on Azerbaijan-Germany inter-parliamentary relations contributed to the development of fruitful cooperation between these two countries.
Has been a member of the Management Board of the Public Union of “Azerbaijani Community of the Nagorno Karabakh region of the Republic of Azerbaijan” since the Congress of the Public Union took place on 5 June 2009.
In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 21, 2018, was appointed to the position of Chairman of the State Committee for Affairs of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated January 4, 2021, he was appointed a member of the Supervisory Board of the Karabakh Revival Fund.