"Friends of Karabakh Revival Fund” Business Platform

Baku city
"Discussion on Ensuring Transparency and Competitiveness in Restoration and Reconstruction Works in Karabakh"

"Discussion on Ensuring Transparency and Competitiveness in Restoration and Reconstruction Works in Karabakh"

On October 25, a joint event titled "Ensuring Transparency and Competitiveness in Restoration and Reconstruction Works in Liberated Territories" was held by the Karabakh Revival Fund and the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The event was attended by the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Karabakh Revival Fund Rahman Hajiyev, the Executive Director of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan Aygun Aliyeva, members of parliament Tural Ganjaliyev and Naqif Hemzeyev, Executive Director of the State Agency for Development of the Press of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ahmad Ismayilov, Head of the Department of Anti-Monopoly and Consumer Market Control State Service under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ahmad Huseynov, Executive Director of "Restoration, Construction and Management Service No. 1 in the East Zangazur Economic Region" Nover Jafarov, as well as donors of the KRF and representatives of civil society institutions.

At the beginning of the event, a video presentation was shown highlighting the objects laid and inaugurated by President Ilham Aliyev in the liberated territories, as well as the restoration and construction works carried out in those territories in general.

The Chairman of the Executive Board of the Karabakh Revival Fund Rahman Hajiyev  stated that one of the important directions of the socio-economic policy implemented in Azerbaijan is the intensive struggle against negative phenomena, lawlessness, and corruption in society. Eliminating legal violations to increase the effectiveness of socio-economic reforms implemented in the country is one of the main directions of the state's measures in this regard.

Rahman Hajiyev emphasized that after the victory of our army under the leadership of Supreme Commander Ilham Aliyev in the Patriotic War, transparency and competitiveness principles are of particular importance in projects carried out at the expense of state fund (including with financial support of the KRF) in the liberated territories. In order to ensure transparency and accountability in its activities, the Karabakh Revival Fund also implements all goods and services in accordance with the legislation on state procurement through open tenders and other relevant methods. This, in turn, is a significant contribution to increasing competitiveness and creating favorable business conditions for entrepreneurs.

"The regular dissemination of information such as the events organized by the Fund, the implementation status of projects, audit results, financial reports, both to the public and the placement of reports in an open format on the official website of the Fund, is evidence of this," the Chairman of the Executive Board emphasized.

Rahman Hajiyev provided comprehensive information to the participants of the event about the projects and activities carried out by the Fund, as well as financial indicators.

Executive Director of the State Support Agency for Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan Aygun Aliyeva, , Head of the Department of Anti-Monopoly and Consumer Market Control State Service under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ahmad Huseynov, Executive Director of "Restoration, Construction and Management Service No. 1 in the East Zangazur Economic Region" Nover Jafarov and other speakers also emphasized the importance of ensuring transparency and competitiveness in restoration and reconstruction works carried out in the liberated territories.

After the speeches, a video presentation of the activities of the Karabakh Revival Fund in 2023 was shown.

Then the event continued with a discussion session. During the discussions, ideas and suggestions were voiced on topics such as ensuring transparency and competitiveness in restoration and reconstruction works in the liberated territories, the role of civil society institutions, and other issues.

As a result of the discussions, it was emphasized the necessity of further strengthening cooperation between civil society institutions and state bodies in the field of combating negative phenomena in society and the implementation of joint projects.

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