A national event titled "Victory Epos" was held through the initiative of the Karabakh Revival Fund and the Heydar Aliyev Modern Education Complex
KRF organized a meeting with students of the Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University on the topic "The Role of Solidarity in the Revival of Karabakh"
A meeting was held with AUL students on the topic of “The Role of Solidarity in the Revival of Karabakh”
A discussion on “The Role of Solidarity in the Revival of Karabakh” held with Baku State University Students
A meeting was held with the students of BHOS on the topic of "The Role of Solidarity in the Revival of Karabakh"
Rahman Hajiyev provided foreign diplomats with information about the destruction caused by Armenians in Karabakh
The Chairman of the Executive Board of the Karabakh Revival Fund met with young justice workers and volunteers at the Ministry of Justice
The Karabakh Revival Fund organized a meeting for exchanging ideas dedicated to the elimination of the environmental damage caused in Karabakh and the restoration of ecological balance
Meeting with Youth on the topic "Reviving by Understanding Karabakh!" organized by the Karabakh Revival Fund - PHOTO