An event titled “The Role of Media and the Public Sector in Ensuring Transparency in Restoration and Reconstruction Work in Liberated Territories” was organized by the Karabakh Revival Fund.
The event, held in a videoconference format, was attended by heads of the Karabakh Revival Fund’s structural divisions, media representatives, NGO members, and public figures.
It should be noted that the event was implemented in line with clause 6.9 of the “National Action Plan to Strengthen the Fight Against Corruption covering 2022–2026” approved by Presidential Decree No. 3199 dated April 4, 2022.
The Head of the Legal Department of the Karabakh Revival Fund, Orkhan Maharramov, emphasized the Fund’s focus on ensuring compliance with legislative requirements during financial allocations and procurement processes.
He noted that the allocation of financial resources by the Fund is conducted in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On Grants” and the Fund’s “Rules for Grant Allocation”.
Speaking about transparency and accountability in the management of the Fund’s resources, Orkhan Maharramov underlined that the Fund operates based on the principles of transparency, accountability, and close cooperation with the public:
“This is evidenced by the opinion of PwC Azerbaijan, one of the world’s leading audit companies, on the Fund’s financial reports. Additionally, the Fund’s regular public disclosure of financial reports also demonstrates the transparent management of donated funds” he added.
The participants of the event discussed the key tasks ahead and highlighted the importance of ensuring transparency and competitiveness during the large-scale reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts in the liberated territories, under the leadership of the victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev.
The event concluded by emphasizing the significance of national unity and solidarity in shaping the future of our homeland. The need for active public participation in Karabakh's revival was underscored as a vital factor in promoting transparency and accountability throughout the reconstruction process