The Karabakh Revival Fund begins cooperation with Baku Higher Oil School

The Karabakh Revival Fund begins cooperation with Baku Higher Oil School


The Chairman of the Executive Board of the Karabakh Revival Fund Rahman Hajiyev met with Elmar Gasimov, the Rector of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS), one of the country's leading institutions of higher education.

Rahman Hajiyev toured the campus of the higher education institution and familiarized himself with the facilities created there. He also met with students in classrooms, providing them with information about the mission and goals of the Fund.

During the meeting, discussions were held between the parties regarding informing the students of Baku Higher Oil School about the activities aimed at the restoration and reconstruction of the liberated territories and ensuring their participation in this important mission. Topics such as organizing presentations, discussions and joint charity events were also discussed.

It is no coincidence that the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mr. Ilham Aliyev, has repeatedly emphasized in his speeches that the liberation of our native Karabakh was made possible thanks to the unity of our people. By demonstrating solidarity, we can also succeed in implementing the sacred mission of restoring the liberated territories. Undoubtedly, young people play a crucial role in this process.

During the sincere and productive meeting, Rahman Hajiyev, the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Fund, emphasized the importance of youth participation in the restoration and reconstruction of the liberated territories.

"As the restoration and development of the destroyed cities and villages will be a process that will continue for years, we must start involving our young generation in this process today. In this regard, the Karabakh Revival Fund will soon launch a series of joint projects with the country's leading universities. I would like to express my deep gratitude to the rectors who support this initiative," noted the Chairman of the Executive Board.

Elmar Gasimov, the Rector of Baku Higher Oil School, expressed readiness for the implementation of joint projects and the development of mutually beneficial cooperation, wishing success to Rahman Hajiyev, the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Karabakh Revival Fund, in this honorable and important endeavor.

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