Human Capital (Community) Development
One of the five priorities outlined in the "Azerbaijan 2030: National Priorities for Socio-Economic Development," strategy approved by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, H.E. Ilham Aliyev, is the formation of “competitive human capital”.
The revival of the liberated territories depends not only on the restoration of infrastructure and physical objects but also, primarily, on the presence of competitive human capital.
On the other hand, the attraction of donations, grants, and investments by the Karabakh Revival Fund is linked to the Fund's reputation, public trust, and its perception as an organization capable of contributing to the sustainable development of Karabakh.
Given the above-mentioned information, the Foundation considers it essential to implement projects focused on research, education, skills development, and knowledge enhancement, all aimed at contributing to societal development and attracting the attention of local and international researchers to the analysis of future opportunities in the liberated territories.
In the context of the revival of the Karabakh, the following areas of human capital and knowledge development will be addressed:
- Research grants
- Books and other publications,
- Internet resources,
- Community education,
- Skills development projects;
- Conferences for expert community, etc.
Approved by the resolution of the Supervisory Board of the Karabakh Revival Foundation on December 20, 2021.