Representatives of the Karabakh Revival Fund, led by its Chairman of the Executive Board Rahman Hajiyev, embarked on a business trip to the Republic of Turkey to acquaint themselves with the "PSB ANATOLIA - 2023" international exhibition of landscaping, ornamental plants, horticulture and equipment.
The trip was organized within the framework of the implementation of the "Fuzuli Central Park" project, upon the invitation of the organizers.
It is noteworthy that the exhibition, held from September 6th to 9th, featured over 22 different plant producers and attracted more than 40,000 local and foreign visitors. Unique plant species, trees, shrubs, and ornamental plants were showcased at the exhibition.
During the visit, Rahman Hajiyev engaged in discussions with the organizers of the exhibition and Turkish counterparts. These discussions revolved around collaboration on park construction, sustainability, inclusivity and environmental protection.
The delegation also took the opportunity to explore several major irrigation facilities in the region, familiarizing themselves with irrigation, water storage and enrichment systems, as well as various plant species and their characteristics.
It is worth mentioning that the event was organized by the Executive Power of the city of Sakarya, the Head Forestry Directorate of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Turkey, the Association of Decorative Plant Producers and several private local organizations.