Let us rebuild Karabakh greener than ever!  

Let us rebuild Karabakh greener than ever!  


Now, as much of Turkey is ablaze, it’s fair to say that every Azerbaijani citizen is demonstrating solidarity with their fraternal people. 

At the same time, our firefighters, risking their lives, are fighting side by side with Turkish firefighters, trying to extinguish the fires. 

 It's impossible for any of us to ignore those who deliberately destroy forests, kill animals, and pollute water reserves - in short, those who harm the environment that belongs to all of us. Regardless of our political views, none of us lives on another planet. By attempting to harm their political rivals in this way, they also harm themselves. Unfortunately, the problem Turkey faces today is not new to us.  

For about thirty years, Armenian occupying forces have been causing great damage to the biodiversity and natural resources of Karabakh by destroying its flora and fauna.  

The continuous burning of territories, pollution of water reserves, indiscriminate logging of valuable tree species, relentless extraction of valuable minerals and poisoning of water sources and soil constitute environmental terrorism. 

All of this was happening in Karabakh for years, yet the international community remained indifferent to this aggression and illegal actions, often content with issuing meaningless statements.  

To better understand the scale of the damage, I will provide you with a few examples. Previously, the forest cover area in the occupied territories of Karabakh was 260,000 hectares. Thus, during the years of occupation, approximately 54,000 hectares of forest cover were destroyed by Armenians. According to Armenian sources, only from 2014 to 2018, in Karabakh alone, they cut down trees 2.3 times more than in the entire Armenia (404,800 cubic meters compared to 175,300 cubic meters).  

Valuable tree species such as Eldar pine, walnut, chestnut and others have suffered significant damage.  

On the Karabakh.Center website (www.karabakh.center/en), with the help of our colleagues in the Azerbaijani Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and independent researchers, we have compiled many interesting facts about the ECOCIDE committed by Armenian occupiers in Karabakh. You can familiarize yourself with these facts in three languages in detail. Read and share this information so that as many people as possible learn the truth about these crimes. And most importantly, now each of us can support the restoration of Karabakh's ecology.  

Photo: Reza Deghati, Gubadly district 

To do this, it is enough to donate to the Karabakh Revival Fund. We plan to actively support the restoration of the disturbed ecological balance in our native Karabakh through close cooperation with the Azerbaijani Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.  

You can also be a part of this very important process. 

By following this link, you can make a donation. You can familiarize yourself with articles about the damage caused by Armenian occupiers to the ecology of Karabakh in the following links (in three languages): 




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