Karabakh Revival Fund held a joint discussion session with Azerbaijani ambassadors abroad – PHOTO

Karabakh Revival Fund held a joint discussion session with Azerbaijani ambassadors abroad – PHOTO


On July 28, 2021, the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Karabakh Revival Fund met with Azerbaijani ambassadors abroad at ADA University. 

During the meeting, 23 ambassadors representing the Republic of Azerbaijan in various countries, a member of the Milli Majlisand a member of the Supervisory Board of the Karabakh Revival Fund Fatma Yildirim, the Prorector of ADA University Fariz Ismayilzada, the head of the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Leyla Abdullayeva, and other guests participated.

The meeting was also attended by Fuad Muradov, the head of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as a special guest.

Karabakh Revival Fund's Chairman of the Executive Board Rahman Hajiyevfirst highlighted the magnificent Victory achieved by the Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander Ilham Aliyev, which put an end to the long-standing Armenian occupation of Karabakh, ensuring the territorial integrity of our country and creating new realities in strengthening unity and solidarity in our country. R. Hajiyev continued his speech by providing detailed information about the establishment of the Karabakh Revival Fund, its main goals and objectives, current areas of activity, and the fact that the esteemed First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva, is the initiator of the fund. He also elaborated on the "Karabakh.Center" (www.karabakh.center) project, which was recently presented to the public.

During the meeting, a documentary film titled "Urbicide in Karabakh", reflecting the destroyed buildings and the devastated historical monuments, and the presentation video of the "Karabakh.Center" website were showcased.

The opportunities for international cooperation of the Karabakh Revival Fund, the "Karabakh.Center" project in foreign countries, and especially the organization of promotional activities regarding the damage caused to our territories as a result of the Armenian occupation were discussed. 

Furthermore, there was an exchange of ideas on establishing effective cooperation with activists residing in the countries represented by the ambassadors and abroad and the possibilities of transferring donations from our diaspora for Karabakh. 

Fuad Muradov, the head of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora of the Republic of Azerbaijan, emphasized the importance of organizing appropriate platforms and organizations for promotional activities abroad and ensuring the participation of our compatriots living outside the country in supporting the measures taken for the restoration of our liberated territories by donating. He noted that it is crucial to benefit from the experiences and recommendations of diplomats who have been living and working professionally abroad for many years. 

Fuad Muradov also touched upon the study the experiences of cities exposed to destruction during the conflict and the issue of "twinning of cities". 

Fariz Ismayilzada, the moderator of the meeting and the vice-rector of ADA University, emphasized the importance of learning the truths about the Second Karabakh War and conducting a joint effective fight against the fabricated facts circulated in the world media against Azerbaijan. 

During the discussion, ambassadors representing Azerbaijan in various countries shared interesting information and ideas related to promotion and advocacy activities, emphasizing the necessity of collecting donations and attracting our compatriots and investors to support reconstruction and development efforts. They also put forward several proposals for this purpose. 

In conclusion, Rahman Hajiyev, the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Karabakh Revival Fund, expressed his gratitude to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jeykhun Bayramov, the head of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora Fuad Muradov, the rector of ADA University Professor Hafiz Pashayev, and the participating ambassadors for their support in holding this beneficial meeting.

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